A downloadable game for Windows

Made in 48h for the GMTK Jam 2018, a Run and Gun where you can't run.

BEST PLAYED ON A CONTROLLER! (Tested with XBox360 for Windows) The keyboard control scheme is really inconvenient, but usable.

Aliens kidnapped you during the night. You wake up in an alien spaceship, on a wheelchair, with only your trusted Bazookas and Machine Guns with you. What can you do?

You're unable to move, but your two big weapons might just push you in the right direction...

PS: I really struggled with time,, there is no menu, and as soon as you die, the game closes. Hope this won't fully ruin the experience.



Left stick - rotate left weapon

LB - switch left weapon

LT - fire left weapon

Right stick - rotate right weapon

RB - switch right weapon

RT - fire right weapon


wasd - rotate left weapon

q/e - switch left weapon

left alt/x - fire left weapon

ijkl - rotate right weapon

u/o - switch right weapon

right alt/, [comma] - fire right weapon


Theme: https://opengameart.org/content/high-tech-lab

Sounds: from  https://opengameart.org/content/4-projectile-launches and https://opengameart.org/content/chaingun-pistol-rifle-shotgun-shots

Sprites: https://opengameart.org/content/ufo-enemy-game-character https://opengameart.org/content/bazooka https://opengameart.org/content/ak-47-icon


GunAndGun.zip 23 MB

Install instructions

Download the zip file, then run Wheels.exe.

Use of a Controller is strongly suggested (tested with XBox360 controller)

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